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Down Caret

Bringing winemaking back to the vineyard.

It all started with one barrel. A capsule of a single place that resides within Washington State. A snapshot that evoked the sun on the fruit and the minerals in the soil. One sip, and we never looked at winemaking the same way again. Like that first wine, Single Barrel takes us back to the vineyard.

We want to reflect a strong sense of place in every barrel we make. We test, innovate and push our process, finding our own take on technique to keep our craft simple and vineyard-focused. Our vines are sustainably grown and hand-harvested. Our process is rigorously simple, so the grapes’ flavors remain their nuanced own. Every pour should reveal the wine’s natural profile so you can find out what you like, and what you don’t. What you’re sipping is an honest wine with natural character, so you can discover your taste, one glass at a time.

Honest wine with natural character

Every vineyard has a story to tell, and each vintage a chapter. Each year is a capsule of the unique forces that our seasons bring. A snapshot that creates character in the fruit carrying the minerals from the soil, and ultimately into every single bottle.

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